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Your biz needs a brand that makes you the ‘well, DUH 💅’ choice for your dream humans.

You’ve got the vision. You back yourself 100%. You know your biz has some kind of special magic about it.

Now? You’re ready to stop playing small. You’re ready to create your own lane. You’re ready to enter your big brand era.

Imagine this for a hot sec…

You wake up on a Monday morning (P.S. you’re obsessed with Mondays now that you work for yourself)…

You open up your emails, sip your freshly-delivered oat latte and smile as you see the sales notifications and enquiries that came through overnight - not to mention the beautiful messages saying ‘you’ve changed my life - thank you’ from people in your audience who are just so damn grateful your biz exists.

You’re living the dream - you’ve finally built your dream brand. You feel confident AF in yourself and the transformation you create for your audience. Creating content is one of your favourite parts of your day (who would have thought?!). And you NEVER have to worry about what your competitors are doing - in fact, you’ve kinda forgotten who they even are 💁‍♀️

All because you turned your biz into a brand that’s in its own lane. It’s a leader - it’s THE go-to. You’ve got a ride-or-die audience that’s totally obsessed with you and everything you create - to them, you’re the ONLY option.

And that’s exactly how you designed it to be.

Bestie, this is so freaking possible for you.

The thing standing between where you are rn and the dreamy snapshot above?

You’ve got a business at the moment - but we’ve got to make it into a brand. And not just any old brand - a brand your dream humans simply CANNOT ignore.

in a not-too-distant future…

Your brand is finally doing the hard work for you. And you’re like ‘why the heck didn’t I do this sooner?’

I’m here to show you:

  • How to create a brand that brings in cash (not just a cute logo - that ain’t gonna cut it gal)

  • How to speak to your dream people and say what they actually want to hear

  • How to dominate your industry so you can stop worrying about your competitors (you’re the trendsetter now, gal)

Keep scrolling to see how to turn your biz into a magnetic AF brand

The blueprint to big brand energy

The blueprint to big brand energy

Your blueprint to

big brand energy

👉 create your ‘can’t-get-enough’ movement

Figure out what your brand stands for, and turn it into a movement your audience can’t help but get behind

👉 build obsession-worthy positioning

Figuring out your brand’s special sauce with my unique 3-pronged approach and use it to change how people see your brand

👉 have an unmissable presence

Show up in a way that has people bingeing your content like their fave Netflix show

The blueprint to big brand energy

The blueprint to big brand energy

Lemme know if this is you…

You know success is in your future but you’re a bit stuck rn with what you need to do to get your biz there

You’re constantly looking at your competitors for inspiration and ideas, and always feel like you’re coming in second

Creating content feels downright impossible - you stare at an empty Canva doc for ages with no clue what to say to make people care about your biz

You know you have a great product or service, but when it comes to getting people to buy it…there’s crickets

Your Google search history looks like ‘how do I get more customers?’ and ‘how do I get people to buy from my brand?’

Bestie, you and your biz are in the right place 😉

Introducing your brand’s new bff…

The Brand Lab

A build-your-own program for dream-big biz owners who are ready to move from small biz energy into their 6 figure brand era.

The biggest kept biz secret...

The biggest kept biz secret...

Building 👏 their 👏 brand 👏 

What most biz owners are sleeping on (but not you!)…

Most biz owners? They’ll get a cute logo. They’ll use some templates and fonts straight outta Canva. They’ll identify their audience as ’30 year old Sydney mums who enjoy hot pilates and brunch’. They’ll scroll Insta for ages looking for content ideas to replicate.

And then they’ll wonder why they aren’t making the sales they want. Why they’re posting to crickets. Why they’re losing out to their competitors time and time again.

But it’s not their fault.

Brand-building isn’t something that’s taught enough in the solopreneur world (hey, I’m here to change that!). But it’s the reason cult brands exist (yep, the same tactics Apple and Kylie Cosmetics use are available to you too). It’s the reason why some businesses skyrocket to 6 figures+, seemingly overnight. It’s the reason why some businesses succeed and others don’t.

I know something about you…

You’re different. You know there’s something missing - some stepping stone between where your biz is rn and the brand you wanna be. You FEEL success in your bones. You are going to go to the ends of the damn earth to make this biz work. You are OBSESSED with what you do - and now it’s time the rest of the world is, too.

You’re ready to ditch:

👉 The content confusion
👉 The surface level messaging
👉 The chaotic brand visuals
👉 The ‘just a small biz’ vibes

You’re ready to create your own lane, be the industry leader you’ve always dreamed of being…and honestly? You’re just ready for world domination.*

And I’m here to help you do exactly that 😌

*Look, I can’t 100% guarantee world domination. But after The Brand Lab? You’ll be pretty damn close.

This is what we’re covering:

Strategy Lab

By the end of this lab, you’re gonna know your brand better than you know your bestie. Before we do anything else, we need to actually dig into what makes your brand YOURS, and how we’re gonna position it in the wider space. We’ll do this through my unique brand DNA process - just like everyone on the planet has unique DNA, every brand does too. We just need to dig in to find out what yours is. 

  • What we cover

    • How your brand changes lives

    • Your ‘can’t-get-enough’ movement

    • Who your audience is

    • Your special sauce

    • How we’re positioning your brand

    • Your lanemaking strategy

Design Lab

This is where we turn your strategy into something visual. I’m walking you through my exact design process that I use with my 1:1 clients and showing you how to apply it all to your own biz. We’ll take your unique creative vision and apply it to a pre-built template to give you a designer-quality brand that you AND your audience can’t get enough of.

  • What we cover

    • Creative direction

    • Logos (including full access to my brand template library, which we’ll use as a starting point for your brand)

    • Brand fonts

    • Brand colours

    • Visual consistency

    • BONUS: This lab includes 48 hours of 1:1 access to me while I apply your creative direction to your chosen brand template!

Messaging Lab

After this lab, we’ll know exactly how to speak to your audience and what they need to hear to take them closer to a sale. This module is focused on building a strong messaging foundation along with potent micro messaging snippets that you can funnel across every platform and every piece of content.

  • What we cover

    • Messaging foundations

    • Messaging techniques

    • Core brand topics

    • Micro messaging

    • Brand vs offer messaging

Content Lab

In this lab, we’ll get into the nitty gritty of how to keep your brand alive, present and growing online. By the end of it, you’ll have a clear content strategy, post schedule and endless content ideas that’ll help you get you visible, get consistent sales, and build your ride-or-die community.

  • What we cover

    • Content foundations

    • Content strategy

    • Content pillars

    • Brand platforms

    • Content creation

    • Messaging in content

The cool AF thing about The Brand Lab is that it’s totally customisable to YOU and what YOUR BRAND needs. You can choose to either work through the entire lab framework, or jump into the individual labs to support you where you need it most.

4 potent labs to build your brand from unknown and unseen to unforgettable and unstoppable.

Choose your adventure depending on what your biz needs - or do them all and get the full brand-building transformation.

Who is this a

perfect fit for?

You’ve got a big idea for your business and you want to start it RIGHT rather than throw spaghetti at the walls for months or years

You’ve got your side hustle and you’re ready to make it your main hustle 😎 The goal? Build your biz up so you can quit the 9-5 and live your DREAM

You’re full-time in your biz and loving it, but you’re ready to turn it into a 6 figure cult-status brand. You know you can do it - you just need a little help to get there

Woah woah woah.
Who tf am I, anyway?

I’ve built my own brand up from zero and cemented myself as trendsetter.

I’ve been building brands since 2017 so this ain’t my first rodeo 🤠 But the real shifts happened when I opened Haven Studio in 2021, just months after my mum suddenly passed away, leaving me to wonder why tf I was spending my life in a job I didn’t like when our time here on earth isn’t guaranteed.

I quit cold-turkey and went out on my own. I was determined to succeed. Yeah, I could design. I was good at that. But the space was saturated AF and I soon realised that standing out was the real issue. How do I get people to book in with me because of ME, not because I was cheaper than someone else?

So I used my brand as a guinea pig and ran a ton of experiments to see how I could grow my brand into something people actually cared about. At the start of 2023, everything changed for me. I put the puzzle pieces together and finally built a brand instead of a business with pretty visuals.

Now, I’ve got a ride-or-die following of nearly 14k, I’ve got a top-rated branding podcast, I’ve been invited to speak in events, courses and podcasts, I’ve scaled to multi-6 figures, and I’ve gone from just design services to also mentoring businesses on brand strategy, content and messaging - because that’s what you need to build a cult brand.

Oh, and I regularly see other businesses trying to imitate what I do. It’s a full-circle moment, because back in 2021, that used to be me - but now I’ve created my own lane, and I get to be the one leading the way.

Are you ready to do this for yourself?

Your brand ain’t gonna be the same after this.

You’re ready to kick small biz vibes to the curb and tap into big brand energy with the exact same strategies and tactics your fave cult brands use.

Your big brand is waiting

Your big brand is waiting

Get started


Full brand lab experience

$2596 $1999

Get access to all 4 labs. Includes access to the self-paced curriculum for each module.


Individual labs

$649 per lab

Choose the exact labs that will support you best in building your brand. Includes access to the self-paced curriculum for each module.

Your big brand is waiting

Your big brand is waiting

Build your lab

A first-of-its-kind custom curriculum so you can get exactly what you need out of the course. No more wasted money, ‘I already knew this’ vibes or ‘this ain’t for me’. Wherever you’re at, whatever you need help with - you can build your perfect program.


POV: Your brand shared this with you 👀 

Your brand is so ready for you to stop playing small.

It knows the potential it has - and it wants you to let it step into its six figure era 💸 

It’s ready to take over the world

All you gotta do?

Create a movement. Create a community. Create a presence that can’t be ignored.

It’s all waiting for you inside The Brand Lab.